Refers to when one has high standards but lacks the ability to reach them
他光会说大道理,一动手就错误百出,真是眼高手低 | Tā guāng huì shuō dà dàolǐ, yī dòngshǒu jiù cuòwù bǎichū, zhēn shì yǎngāoshǒudī
He's all talk. The moment he tries anything, he fails completely
事实上,不少毕业生眼高手低,看不起同事,缺乏合作精神,难以融入整个团队中 | Shìshíshàng, bù shǎo bìyèshēng yǎngāoshǒudī, kànbùqǐ tóngshì, quēfá hézuò jīngshén, nányǐ róngrù zhěnggè tuánduì zhōng
In reality, many recent graduates have high standards but little talent. They look down on their coworkers and lack the desire to cooperate, so integrating into the team is difficult
《与吴仲木书》(Yú Wú Zhòng Mù Shū), a work by Qīng Dynasty (清, 1644 - 1911) author 陈确 (Chén Què)
This chengyu is from a line in the work listed in the "Origin" section above