Lush and flourishing (of plants and flowers)
This is used to indicate that a career, activity, or enterprise is developing very well
印度欣欣向荣的外包行业依赖于能够进入美国市场 | Yìndù xīnxīnxiàngróng de wàibāo hángyè yīlàiyú nénggòu jìnrù měiguó shìchǎng
India's flourishing outsourcing industry depends on access to America's markets
市场物价平稳,人民生活安定,整个社会欣欣向荣 | Shìchǎng wùjià píngwěn, rénmín shēnghuó āndìng, zhěnggè shèhuì xīnxīnxiàngróng
Prices of goods in the market are stable, people's lives are quiet and settled, and all of society is thriving
This is an HSK chengyu
《归去来兮辞》(Guī Qù Lái Xī Cí) by Jìn Dynasty (晋, 265 - 420) writer and poet 陶渊明 (Táo Yuān Míng)
陶渊明 (Táo Yuān Míng) was a government official in the Eastern Jìn Dynasty (东晋 | 317 - 420). Though he held many different positions throughout his career, he eventually grew tired of the treachery and backstabbing, and he resigned and returned to his home.
Upon returning to his home, he felt happy and at peace, and he took to writing poetry about his hometown and the people in it. In his work, he wrote the line "木欣欣以向荣" to describe his home's fields, and people eventually shortened this to the chengyu 欣欣向荣.