
yè láng zì dà

  • Meaning


    [The kingdom of] Yelang thinks too highly of itself


    To have too high an opinion of oneself; to be highly arrogant

  • Connotation


  • Usage Examples

    坐井观天,夜郎自大,是反对改革的人的通病 | Zuòjǐngguāntiān, yèlángzìdà, shì fǎnduì gǎigé de rén de tōngbìng
    Having limited outlook and having too high an opinion of oneself are common failings of the people who oppose reform

    你夜郎自大的傲慢态度是最大的错误 | Nǐ yèlángzìdà de àomàn tàidù shì zuìdà de cuòwù
    Your "夜郎自大"-type arrogance is your biggest mistake

  • Equivalents





  • Entry Notes


  • Origin

    《史记》(Shǐ Jì), or the famous work "Records of the Grand Historian" by 司马迁 (Sī Mǎ Qiān).

  • Story

    Far to the west of the Hàn Dynasty (汉, 206 BC - 220 AD) lay the tiny kingdom of 夜郎 (Yè Láng). 夜郎 was an independent kingdom, but its territory was very small, its people few in number, and its resources even fewer. However, because 夜郎 was the largest of all its immediate neighbors, the king of 夜郎 assumed that his country was the biggest in all the land.

    Once, while out patrolling his lands with his troops, the king asked, "Which country is the largest country?" The troops, seeking to give a response that the king wanted, replied, "夜郎 is the largest country, of course!" A little later, the king lifted his head to gaze at tall mountains in the distance. "Are there any mountains on this earth that are taller than these?" he asked. His troops replied that there were not. A little after that, the company arrived at a river, and the king stated, "This is the world's longest river." The troops responded in unison that the monarch's position was correct. The events of this day further solidified the ignorant king's belief that his kingdom was the largest of them all.

    Then one day, an envoy from the Hàn court went to visit 夜郎. On the way, he passed through 夜郎's neighboring kingdom of 滇国 (Diān Guó), where the king asked him, "Which kingdom is bigger, that of the Han or mine?" The envoy was shocked — how could such a tiny country compare itself to the massive Hàn? However, when the envoy later arrived at 夜郎, he realized the ignorance was widespread, as the king asked him the same question: "Which kingdom is bigger, the Han or 夜郎?" In truth, 夜郎 was only the size of one of the Hàn's small counties.

  • Citations and Helpful Resources

    • 汉语成语小词典 (hànyǔ chéngyǔ xiǎo cídiǎn)
    • 现代汉语规范词典 (xiàndài hànyǔ guīfàn cídiǎn)
    • 多功能成语词典 (duō gōngnéng chéngyǔ cídiǎn)
    • 汉语大词典 (hànyǔ dà cídiǎn)
    • ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary
    • Pleco Basic Chinese-English Dictionary
    • 网易[x]
    • 成语 t086[x]
    • 三人行[x]
    • 故事大全网[x]
    • 七故事网[x]