
shuāng guǎn qí xià

  • Meaning


    To simultaneously use two brushes to paint and write


    To simultaneously approach a task from two directions

  • Connotation


  • Usage Examples

    治疗和锻炼双管齐下,他很快就会恢复健康 | Zhìliáo hé duànliàn shuāngguǎnqíxià, tā hěn kuài jiù huì huīfù jiànkāng
    With medical treatment and exercise working in parallel, he will recover quickly

    总体而言,需要双管齐下,将政治和维和举措结合起来 | Zǒngtǐ ér yán, xūyào shuāngguǎnqíxià, jiāng zhèngzhì hé wéihé jǔcuò jiéhé qǐlái
    Overall, a dual track was needed, combining both political and peacekeeping initiatives.

  • Equivalents





  • Entry Notes

    Multiple sources have different given names for the government official in the story. The name here was taken directly from the work from which this chengyu originated

  • Origin

    《图画见闻志》(Tú Huà Jiàn Zhì), a work by Sòng Dynasty (宋, 960 - 1279) author 郭若虚 (Guō Ruò Xū)

  • Story

    In the Táng Dynasty (唐, 618 - 907), there was a government official named 张璪 (Zhāng Zǎo) who was an extremely skilled painter of nature scenes. In fact, he was so skilled at painting that he could simultaneously paint with a brush in each hand. This talent and the beautiful artwork produced astounded others, and they eventually began calling the painting style "双管齐下."

  • Citations and Helpful Resources

    • 汉语成语小词典 (hànyǔ chéngyǔ xiǎo cídiǎn)
    • 现代汉语规范词典 (xiàndài hànyǔ guīfàn cídiǎn)
    • 多功能成语词典 (duō gōngnéng chéngyǔ cídiǎn)
    • 汉语大词典 (hànyǔ dà cídiǎn)
    • ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary
    • Pleco Basic Chinese-English Dictionary
    • 成语 t086[x]
    • 语文米[x]
    • 百度百科[x]
    • 趣历史[x]
    • 汉语大词典[x]