
wò xīn cháng dǎn

  • Meaning


    To sleep on firewood and eat gall bladders


    Refers to when one pushes oneself to realize a goal (esp. to become more powerful or wealthy) despite hardship or difficulty

  • Connotation


  • Usage Examples

    在后来的两年中,可以说我们是卧薪尝胆地把这个产品做出来了 | Zài hòulái de liǎng nián zhōng, kěyǐ shuō wǒmen shì wòxīnchángdǎn de bǎ zhè ge chǎnpǐn zuò chūlái le
    In the past two years, it can be said that we've pushed ourselves very hard to get this product out

    对于上次的失败,我们应卧薪尝胆,努力学习,争取取得好成绩 | Duìyú shàng cì de shībài, wǒmen yīng wòxīnchángdǎn, nǔlì xuéxí, zhēngqǔ qǔdé hǎo chéngjī
    We must respond to last time's failure by pushing ourselves to study hard and succeed

  • Equivalents




    尝胆卧薪 (cháng dǎn wò xīn)

  • Entry Notes


  • Origin

    《史记》(Shǐ Jì), or the famous work "Records of the Grand Historian" by 司马迁 (Sī Mǎ Qiān).

  • Story

    During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 - 476 BC), 夫差 (Fū Chā), the king of the state of Wú (吴国), took advantage of his superior military strength and invaded the neighboring state of Yuè (越国). The Yuè were soundly defeated, and their king, 勾践 (Gōu Jiàn), was captured and brought back to the kingdom of Wú.

    In Wú, 夫差 ensured that the enemy king would be humiliated. He forced him to feed his horses, sweep tombs, and perform other tasks that were generally relegated to servants. This enraged the Yuè king, but he didn't show it. Instead, he put on an air of quiet obedience. When the Wú king got sick, he would care for him by his bedside; when he went out, 勾践 would lead his horse for him. 夫差 was moved by his enemy's devotion and loyalty, and in the end, he let him go.

    勾践 promptly returned to his homeland, where he swore that he would wash away the humiliation that he had borne as the Wú king's servant. In order to maintain his desire for vengeance, he started sleeping on firewood and taking a bite of gall bladder each time he went to eat or sleep. In addition to this, he also took efforts to improve the strength of his kingdom by ensuring that his military was well-trained and that the common people were content.

    Ten years later, the state of Yuè had grown strong and powerful, and 勾践 finally took his revenge by leading his army to invade the kingdom of Wú. He emerged victorious, with 夫差 even committing suicide. From then on, Yuè became one of the strongest states during the later years of the Spring and Autumn Period.

  • Citations and Helpful Resources

    • 汉语成语小词典 (hànyǔ chéngyǔ xiǎo cídiǎn)
    • 现代汉语规范词典 (xiàndài hànyǔ guīfàn cídiǎn)
    • 多功能成语词典 (duō gōngnéng chéngyǔ cídiǎn)
    • 汉语大词典 (hànyǔ dà cídiǎn)
    • ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary
    • Pleco Basic Chinese-English Dictionary
    • 汉语大词典[x]
    • 故事365[x]
    • 故事无忧[x]
    • 成语 t086[x]
    • 第一范文[x]