To be deeply interested; to be in extremely good spirits; ebullient
他兴致勃勃地向我谈起出国旅游的见闻 | Tā xìngzhìbóbó de xiàng wǒ tán qǐ chūguó lǚyóu de jiànwén
He very enthusiastically told me about his experiences traveling abroad
他们正兴致勃勃地讨论时装展 | Tāmen zhèng xìngzhìbóbó de tǎolùn shízhuāngzhǎn
They are currently engrossed in a discussion about the fashion show
This is an HSK chengyu
《镜花缘》(Jìng Huā Yuán), a Qīng-era (清, 1644 - 1911) fantasy novel by 李汝珍 (Lǐ Rǔ Zhēn). It is often translated as "The Marriage of Flowers in the Mirror" or "Romance of Flowers in the Mirror."
This chengyu is from a line in the work listed in the "Origin" section above