
jià zhí lián chéng

  • Meaning


    [Something's] value is worth several cities


    Refers to something extremely costly and/or precious

  • Connotation


  • Usage Examples

    美术馆中许多价值连城的艺术品被盗 | Měishùguǎn zhōng xǔduō jiàzhíliánchéng de yìshùpǐn bèi dào
    Many priceless works of art were stolen from the arts museum

    一块那么大、而又无瑕疵的绿宝石会是价值连城的 | Yīkuài nàme dà, ér yòu wú xiácī de lǜbǎoshí huì shì jiàzhíliánchéng de
    A flawless emerald of this size is worth a fortune

  • Equivalents


    A king's ransom

    To be worth a fortune


    连城之价 (lián chéng zhī jià)

    连城之碧 (lián chéng zhī bì)

  • Entry Notes


  • Origin

    《史记》(Shǐ Jì), or the famous work "Records of the Grand Historian" by 司马迁 (Sī Mǎ Qiān).

  • Story

    See the story for 完璧归赵 (wán bì guī zhào | to return something intact to its owner)

  • Citations and Helpful Resources

    • 汉语成语小词典 (hànyǔ chéngyǔ xiǎo cídiǎn)
    • 现代汉语规范词典 (xiàndài hànyǔ guīfàn cídiǎn)
    • 多功能成语词典 (duō gōngnéng chéngyǔ cídiǎn)
    • 汉语大词典 (hànyǔ dà cídiǎn)
    • ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary
    • Pleco Basic Chinese-English Dictionary
    • 百度百科[x]
    • 汉语大词典[x]